Saturday, January 30, 2010

给了我一线希望, 却又让我失望. 有一点被欺骗的感觉.

在还未呈上表格之前, 就一直犹豫不决. 心里很是明白小规模公司, 没有办法满足基本要求. 最后, 还是决定给自己一个机会试一试...., 如果是带着学习的心态, 有发展前途, 就委曲求全吧.

等了多日还是全无音讯, 托友人问了, 才晃然大误, 不是我的资历不够, 而是我的要求"太高".

其实不然, 重点是他们不愿意给.
Finally found a potential job that I like it so much. I am putting a high hope to get a good news from the company. When days passed, I knew the hope is slim as my expected salary is much higher than what they can offer me. I got to know that they only willing to pay half my salary, which is under market rate and unacceptable for me. They know I wouldn’t take the extreme pay cut for no reason.

Anywhere, this was a good experience to know how the SMEs' operation. Relevant job experience is not important but the salary is crucial and effected they selection.

They are more money concern than years of experience and qualifications.

Friday, November 13, 2009

那一趟西藏背包之旅, 机缘遇见了一位喇嘛. 因为慧根浅, 无法领会当年高人所说的一番话. 至今还耿耿于怀.

由于语言的障碍, 没有办法领会他的忠告. 如果能选择, 我想远行一趟, 去解答我心中的迷惑与惆怅. 好让他给我指点迷津, 在人生这条路该如何走下去....

有时候, 走起来很吃力, 迷失方向....

现实生活中, 本来就不能规规矩矩, 不如你所意.

我喜欢随心所欲的生活, 不想按部就班的过日子.

因为太正规的东西让我没有安全感. 我会害怕, 恐慌及不知所措 .

我深怕一切会破灭. 如果太完美.....